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What is the use of Yellow Xanax bars?

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yellow Xanax bars

Yellow Xanax or Yellow Xanax bars are medicines that come under the family of drugs called Xanax. People may already know that Xanax is a drug that is used for patients who are getting treated from disorders like – anxiety and panic disorder. Yellow Xanax as the name says is yellow in color and is also used for the same cause. The only difference is between the color, shape, and strength that the dosage is given to patients as per their requirement.

Yellow Xanax bar is sold on the streets by the name yellow school bus due to its shape and color. This drug comes in the form of a tablet or bar that is divided into four equal parts that means it can serve more than one person at a time. A pill of Yellow Xanax is of 2mg in strength. It has R039 imprinted on one side to make it different from the rest of the drugs from the Xanax family.

What are the side effects?

Side effects of Yellow Xanax can be seen in patients if there has been any disturbance in the intake of the drug or the person can be allergic to it.

Following are the side effects of Yellow Xanax bars –

• Drowsiness
• Dizziness
• Increase in the production of saliva
• Difficulty in speaking
• Trouble while walking (lack of coordination)

In case these side effects got worse, you are advised to run to your doctor for proper medical help.

What are the precautions that you must keep in mind while using Yellow Xanax?

Following precautions needs to be taken in case of Yellow Xanax bars

Buy Yellow Xanax online along with the prescription that can help you provide the necessary information of the drug.
• In case if you are allergic to Alprazolam or any other form of the drug, consult your physician and then start with the intake of the drug.
• This drug may create dizziness in your system. Hence, do not drive a vehicle or use any kind of motor operated machinery.